Cigar Aficionado: August, 2001 – Raquel Welch
In 2001 a beautiful 61 year old Raquel Welch returned to the public eye with her role in Legally Blonde which spurred many TV appeareances as well as this famous cover on Cigar Aficionado. Raquel a lifelong Libertarian leaning conservative was right at home on the cover of Cigar Aficiionado, a Lifestyle magazine which stresses freedom and entrepeneurship from an often politicaly incorrect side of the aisle. Raquel Welch is a living legend! She has graced the covers and pages of both American as well as International publications in such volume that considered putting her on the American ICONS archive. She is just too young at heart and down to earth to be elevated to that status. You can see our complete Raquel Welch archive here.