The Etude had a long and distinguished publishing run from 1887 – 1957. With its Long-time editor -in-chief Francis Cooke from 1909 through 1949, the Etude added the phrase “Music Exalts Life!”, Though it embraced the modern technologies of Radio & Television along with Jazz and other modern music it went as far as a primarily […]

Man’s Life was published by crestwood publishing from 1953-1971. Originally a Men’s action and adventure story magazine, Man’s Life ran the gammut of pulp fiction ultimately devolving and mirroring american culture through the 1970’s with some of the funniest off the wall sex stories. There was core anchor to Man’s Life through out the 1950’s and 1960’s, Awesome Pulp illustrations including the infamous “Weasels ripped my flesh” cover by Will Hulsey that inspired Frank Zappa’s Album and cover of the same name.