Mars Attacks: Illustrations by Norm Saunders

Liberty magazine was the “second greatest Magazine in America” during its publishing run. Published weekly in an effort to go head to head with the other general interest weekly’s of the time – Life & the Saturday Evening Post. Liberty’s original price of only five cents and wonderful cover art helped the magazine to reach […]
House Beautiful Magazine is listed on under American Classics for one simple reason. A continuous 100+ years of effective and artistic cover art design which alongside their editorial and writing choices in keeping this magazine #1 in its genre. Except for a few brief design hiccups during the 1970’s when just about every magazine […]
#1 November 17, 1953: Marilyn Monroe Cover Acceptable copies $10, Fine copies $70+ Average auction sale price $45 #2 January 9, 1968: John Lennon Cover by Richard Avedon. Beatles pullout poster Acceptable copies $10, Fine Copies $60+ Average auction sale price $35 #3 Flying Saucers 1967 Special Issue Acceptable copies $10, Fine Copies […]
Marilyn Monroe was the most covered star on American magazines throughout the late 1940’s till her death in 1962. Rivaled only by Elvis Presley – it is no wonder that American pop culture surely elevates both these stars to Iconic status. Top 10 Marilyn Monroe Covers
This is our new quick thumbnail gallery of Elvis Presley Magazine covers. Click on the image for link to larger file. For detailed magazine information please search through our Category Search menu.