Tina Brown unveils the new Newsweek cover art

Hillary Clinton on cover of new newsweek cover design. New cover design surely will be copied by others.
It looks like their will be good things to come from Newsweek magazine as far as cover art is concerned. Tina Brown (Vanity Fair Editor & TheDailyBeast.com founder) recently made the rounds displaying the new “newsweek’ cover design featuring Hillary Clinton on the March 14, 2011 issue. Newsweek is truly an american classic, one of the only magazines to successfully compete with Time magazine for over 70 years. The new design has kept their well branded logo while slightly reducing it in size. Designers have also made an excellent choice in lowering the logo and requiring photographers to account for this in their composition. This little design change allows for 1 major headline above the brand – thoughtfully printed in a secondary subdued color allowing the brand to stand out. An important change for a magazine that that still relies on newstand sales. Though only the cover article title would have been cleener and more elegant, overall it is a wonderful debut. Lets hope that the same good “technical” design behind the new newsweek cover will also flow into the new “editorial” design. Yes! Editorials and cover art are often craftily designed and are representative of the political leanings of the director or editor in charge. Newsweek is to important of an American institution to be used as a political tool by biased editors. Either from the left, as it has been recently or from the right as was evident during the 50’s.
Milton Fleitas
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