Nature Magazine: December, 1931

Nature magazine cover with illustration of flamingos

This  Issue of  Nature Magazine has cover art by Guy Edgar Fry, one of our favorites from their classic CoverArt period of the late 1920’s – early 1940’s.  Even Guy Fry’s signature was classic art deco, he signed his signature within a box!  Fry’s artwork graced many covers for Nature and many other magazines.

Editorial: There is a 5 page article on the romance of meteorites called casual visitors from afar, with rare photos of the bacubirito meteor (a 27 ton giant that fell in sinaloa, Mexico.  an article on the Yaupon shrub, an article on theodore Lange’s contributions to conservation with photos, Discovering Comets by Isabel M. Lewis.

Advertising: of interest is a full page ad for the Stormoguide wheather forecaster, a 3/4 page ad for the Graflex camera.


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