
Spaghetti sauce back when I was a child in the 1970’s consisted of 2 choices, Ragu or Prego. All this changed when a product researcher I admire by the name of Howard Moskowitz* had an industry breakthrough that seems so obvious today to strategic creatives. While researching Spaghetti sauce for the struggling #2 sauce maker […]
Technically “pleasing” is a term often used when describing good cover art – but what exactly does this mean? Reaching customers through graphics comprised of copy and images needs to marry these two very different ways of expression. It is this marriage of words and images (concepts) that requires a technician as well as an […]
Steve Jobs: Technical Marketer “ENTP” Passes Steve Jobs was the quintessential ENTP Inventor*, and a role model for that small percentage of the population that see’s the world through the lens of an ENTP temperament. It has been annoying seeing the media begin a dialog in the short days since his passing comparing Jobs to Edison. […]
It looks like their will be good things to come from Newsweek magazine as far as cover art is concerned. Tina Brown (Vanity Fair Editor & TheDailyBeast.com founder) recently made the rounds displaying the new “newsweek’ cover design featuring Hillary Clinton on the March 14, 2011 issue. Newsweek is truly an american classic, one […]
House Beautiful Magazine is listed on CoverArt.com under American Classics for one simple reason. A continuous 100+ years of effective and artistic cover art design which alongside their editorial and writing choices in keeping this magazine #1 in its genre. Except for a few brief design hiccups during the 1970’s when just about every magazine […]
Do it yourself album press release. In a sign that old fashioned press releases may be a thing of the past, this week Rihanna simply “tweated” an image of her new cover art designed specifically for her single “cheers”. The art and composition is classic in its styling, even the use of a retro late […]